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Biden Administration Anti-Science Rhetoric is Hurting Sleep Deprived Families

When Federal bureaucrats use their powerful position for activism, trusting personal beliefs not data, young families are the ones to feel the loss.

Nested Bean's infant sleepwear adapts research in parental touch simulation to help babies sleep better. The company has delivered over 2.5 million products to families since 2011.

Despite its long safety track record, CPSC's Commissioner Trumka circumvented due process and unilaterally pressured retailers in April of this year to take down these beloved products from their sites and stores. 

Fox News Digital Exposes Agency's Inefficiencies

Fox News Digital in an interview with founder Manasi Gangan, shed light on the adverse impact of regulatory overreach on small businesses. CPSC's statement to Fox also exposed the Federal Agency's inefficiencies and internal conflict. 

CPSC Commission told Fox News Digital that Commissioner Trumka acted “in his individual capacity as a member of the Commission, and not on behalf of the Commission itself.”

To bring awareness to inefficiencies of the Biden-Harris administration, retweet this post on X

Removing solutions that parents trust without offering alternatives, may not be in the best interest of public health and safety. Without alternatives, makeshift sleep solutions that parents create could pose a greater threat to their baby's safety. 

AAP Recommendations Without Specificity

In June 2022, the American Academy of Pediatrics published the Revised Safe Sleep Guidelines in which the AAP recommended against the use of weighted infant products without specifying weight thresholds or sighting evidence.

In a market filled with infant sleep products with product weights ranging from a few ounces to a couple of pounds, these broad guidelines lacking specificity severely hurt Nested Bean products containing 1-2 ounces of filling. 

Nested Bean Contributions and Outreach

Nested Bean has shared data with the CPSC regulators on its design principles, underlying research and test results to demonstrate how innovation can be achieved without compromising safety.

However the mandate-first approach of the Biden-Harris administration has paid no heed to the shared facts. The company's products have still not been reinstated on retailer sites and stores harming more than 80% of its business.

To bring awareness to agency overreach retweet this post on X.

Manasi Gangan

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