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Does this sound familiar?
You've made it through the tiring and demanding newborn months, and just when you feel like your body is getting used to regular sleep again - your bundle of joy becomes a toddler.
Late-night Google searches reveal something called "18 month sleep regression", and it's beginning to all make sense. Wait - is there an 18 month sleep regression? And if so, how can you overcome this challenge and get back to a consistent schedule for you and the rest of your family?
Rest easy because, in this guide, we'll explain what's happening to your baby and the practical steps any parent can take to resolve sleep disruptions. It’s time to put the 18 month old sleep regression in the past!
Is There an 18 Month Sleep Regression?
Sleep regression in babies or toddler is when established sleeping patterns are temporarily interrupted by a period of night waking or refusing to go to sleep. While not all toddlers experience sleep regression at 18 months, this is a common and normal part of your child's development.
The telltale 18 month sleep regression signs
Parents should be on the lookout for these 18 month sleep regression signs.
- Increased resistance to going to bed at night and for nap time
- More demand for attention before bedtime - think cuddles and clinginess
- More attitude and drama around the entire sleep experience
- Increased night waking
- A more challenging time getting your child back to sleep once awake
- Shifting sleep patterns, such as waking up earlier
- Increased separation anxiety
How long should a toddler sleep?
According to a scientific study from the National Sleep Association, it is recommended that toddlers sleep around 11-14 hours a day - typically a nap plus a longer nighttime sleep.
But, as we always try and reinforce, every child is different. Once again, rigorous studies reveal that there is a lot of variability in childhood sleeping patterns.
As a parent, embrace the fact that what seems abnormal is often completely normal.
When does the 18 month old sleep regression start?
If your toddler has an 18 month old sleep regression (and many won't), it usually occurs anywhere from 15 to 24 months, with 18 months being the most common age for the disruption to begin.
How long does sleep regression at 18 months last?
If you scrolled to this question with panic - you can rest a little easier knowing that if your toddler does suffer from sleep regressions at 18 months, they typically only last 2-6 weeks.
How you deal with the experience will play a big role in how long the sleep regression lasts.
Through a lack of understanding or desperation, some parents make the problem worse by creating new dependencies. Through understanding, parents can instead use tried and trusted strategies to ease their little one back into a positive sleep routine. We’ll share a few great sleep aids you can try later on. But what causes the 18 month old sleep regression in the first place?
What causes 18 month old sleep regression?
It is widely understood that sleep regression at 18 months is a natural result of physical and mental development. Some of the most common causes include:
- Teething - teeth (particularly molars) developing and breaking through the gum line can be very painful and uncomfortable for your little one. Our guide on home remedies for teething baby at night can help you with this.
- Testing boundaries - your child's personality grows with their body, and independence is a big part of this development. As they can do more for themselves, their willpower grows, and you may feel the brunt of it at sleep time.
- Separation anxiety - your child loves and needs you. This is what every parent wants except when separation anxiety in babies strikes, like when they wake up and you aren't there. If your baby won't sleep unless held or your baby cries when put down, it could be that they’re dealing with separation anxiety.
- Shifting sleep cycles - parents will notice that their toddler's nap times change over time. A toddler gets tired after around 5 hours - if they stay awake longer or wake from naps earlier, this can have a knock-on effect on the bedtime routine. Learn more about wake windows by age and get tips on maintaining a consistent baby bedtime routine in our blog.
- Hunger pangs - some toddlers start to get hungry later in the day or even at night. A bedtime snack or a bigger dinner-time meal may help. You can learn about how often to feed newborn at night or when to stop dream feeding in our blog.
Your toddler's sleep disturbance may also be a combination of the above.
For example, your toddler discovering the power of "no" at bedtime can lead to tantrums and less sleep. The next day, because of the lack of sleep, they're in an even worse mood and even more adorably defiant.
You, as the parent, can also be a factor. As you struggle to sleep, your exhaustion may make you cranky too!
We don't want cranky children or parents, so let's take a look at some practical tips to end 18 month sleep regression as quickly as possible.
7 proven 18 month sleep regression tips
We know how hard sleep regressions at 18 months can be on parents, but you can get your child sleeping peacefully again in just a few weeks by following the right tips.
Here are seven tried and trusted tips to get your family's sleep patterns back to normal.
#1 - Prioritize napping
When do toddlers stop napping? At 15-18 months, most toddlers transition from two naps a day to one - life is becoming a lot more fun, and they don't want to miss out on anything!
As with everything at that age, the change will be haphazard and anything but consistent: one day, they may have two naps, and the next, they'll drop a nap.
We know, we know - you had a plan, a schedule, a rhythm! But don't worry - you can and will adapt to a new nap routine.
Keeping your child active in the morning is a great way to induce restful naps. If they do skip a nap, try and encourage a mini nap to reduce over-tiredness. Just make sure that this "power" nap doesn't happen too close to bedtime.
#2 - Keep a consistent bedtime routine
Consistency is key to a child's bedtime routine, too. You are the curator of their experience, and routine helps them to feel secure.
So try not to let the disruption from the 18 month sleep regression change how you approach bedtime. Every concession you make, every deviation from the norm tells your child that the boundaries are up for negotiation.
Your routine is their North Star - they may be temporarily disruptive but stick to your routine, and they will find their way back to healthy sleep patterns.
#3 - Make bedtime routines soothing
To make falling asleep as easy as possible, your bedtime routine should be comfortable and relaxing for your toddler. Granted, there may be nights where they clearly didn't get the memo - but don’t let tantrums deflect from the winding down of the day.
Try and keep your routine short (no more than half an hour for toddlers) and keep the environment dark (or with a dim night light) and quiet. Some toddlers sleep better with a bit of white noise.
From bath time through getting into jammies, baby massage for sleep, and finally putting your little one to bed - speak slowly and reassuringly - set the tone with your voice. A relaxed mom and a relaxing environment are the ideal combination to send your toddler to dreamland.
#4 - Encourage self-soothing
It's your instinct to jump when your child cries out for you. Separation anxiety is a common problem for many toddlers, but by controlling your natural instincts, you can help them learn to self-soothe.
Simply wait a few minutes before going to comfort them. They will gradually learn to soothe themselves back to sleep, which provides a real benefit to your child's life (not to mention in the life of a tired parent).
Consider wrapping your bundle of joy in our weighted sleepwear. It is gently weighted to help babies relax, fall asleep faster, and self-soothe through wakeups for longer, healthier sleep. In fact, we have a complete guide covering the importance of what to dress baby in for sleep.
Pediatric hospitals and certified sleep consultants recommend Zen Sleepwear to help your baby sleep soundly. Whether you’re looking for a swaddle or sleep sack, we’ve got you covered:
- Zipper swaddle
- Transitional swaddle
- Weighted sleep sack
- Bamboo rayon fabric sleep sack
- Winter sleep sack
- Weighted newborn swaddle
- Bamboo rayon fabric swaddle
Learn more about the different types of swaddles, the benefits of swaddling, what to wear under sleep sack, when to transition from sleep sack to blanket, when to stop using sleep sack, and more in our blog.
#5 - Ease teething
If teething is the primary cause of your toddler's sleep regression, ease their discomfort with a teething ring and gently massage their gums with a cool, wet washcloth. If you have concerns, your pediatrician can provide medical advice.
#6 - Consider sleep training
A child's sleep problems improve dramatically once they learn to fall asleep independently. This is an essential step in your child's growth.
There are many sleep training strategies to help you achieve this goal, it’s all about finding the right one - not just for your toddler, for you as well.
For example, the pick-up-put-down method is a good approach for parents who want to have an active role in sleep training whereas the cry-it-out method is on the other end of the spectrum - encouraging your little one to self soothe and develop independence.
There are other sleep training methods in between such as fading sleep training and you can find out all about them in our guide on when to start sleep training.
#7 - Provide a comforting environment
A relaxing environment can help when your little one has trouble falling asleep. Here are three easy wins to mitigate sleep regressions.
Add a nightlight - fears of the dark often start around 18 months. A reassuring (but soft) nightlight can keep the fear away and help your little one sleep easily.
Introduce a comfort item - if your toddler doesn't have a comfort item to cuddle yet, now may be the time to introduce a soft, snuggle friend like a stuffed animal.
Try white noise - while you want to create a dark, quiet environment - some babies sleep better with a white noise machine.
#8 - Seek Professional Guidance
If you find that after all this you’re still struggling with the 18 month old sleep regression, it may be time to seek out professional help. You can look to professional medical advice or to speak to a certified sleep consultant.
We recommend The ABCs of Sleep by Taking Cara Babies. You'll get a 90-minute online video course and a 60-page reference booklet. At the same time, you also receive two calls from Cara's sleep consultants. In-depth sleep consultations could make all the difference to your little one's sleep problems.
How to get your baby to sleep even during an 18 month sleep regression [infographic]
We created an infographic with tips to help baby sleep through the night, even with the 18 month old sleep regression creating a hassle for you. Download to share with any parents who may need help.

Mom hack for sleep regressions
"[The Zen Sack] helped us get through a sleep regression, transitioning to the crib, and establishing nap time! Now it's always part of our bedtime routine."
- Kristen B
Final Thoughts on the 18 Month Old Sleep Regression
While the sleep regression at 18 months can be daunting, we hope these tips help you overcome the challenge and get back to living life like normal. You can learn more about the other common sleep regression stages in our blog:
- 8 week sleep regression
- 4 month sleep regression
- 6 month sleep regression
- 8 month sleep regression
- 10 month sleep regression
And if you just want tips on sleep in general, you can explore a range of resources while you’re it. Learn about what age should a child sleep in their own room, baby crying in sleep but not awake, benefits of a sleep sack, transitioning from the swaddle, baby showing signs of rolling over, and more.
Otherwise, put this advice on navigating the sleep regression at 18 months to work and see what a difference it can make in helping your child get back on track. Better sleep for the whole family is well within reach!