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How Much Do Newborns Sleep?

Did you know that, according to the National Sleep Foundation, by the age of two, most children will have spent MORE time asleep than awake over the course of their life? Clearly, sleep plays a large role in your baby’s life – even beyond the first year!

In This Article 

Decoding Newborn Sleep

Is It Normal?

How Much do Newborns Sleep?

How Much Should a Newborn Sleep? Is my baby sleeping too much?

When to wake your baby

Safety In Newborn Sleep

How to Help Your Newborn Sleep

Changes in Your Newborn’s Sleep

But what should your newborn’s sleep look like? How much should your newborn baby sleep? Is there such a thing as sleeping too much? How many hours a day do newborns sleep? How can you help them fall asleep? We’ll answer all those questions, and more!

Decoding Newborn Sleep

Immediately after birth, your baby will spend about an hour or so awake before entering a deep slumber - they’re just as exhausted as you after being brought into the world! You will find it hard to keep them awake during feeds. No worries, the hospital staff is very helpful during this time to maintain a very consistent eat sleep cycle. 

You’ll spend this time snuggling, learning about newborn care and establishing a bond between you and your baby before you prepare to take them home. Baby's sleep pattern may last for about 12 to 18 hours and will be over just in time for you to leave for home with your new family.

newborn not sleeping enough


Over the next 24 hours, your baby will start to become more alert and awake. They’ll settle into the typical awake-eat-fall asleep pattern of newborns. This pattern will be pretty consistent throughout her first month, and even into her second.

As newborns, most babies sleep roughly 75% of their time! As they get older, the number of hours they spend asleep each day will slowly decrease, which you can see in our baby sleep chart below. Learn more about newborn and very young babies sleep in our article Simplifying Baby Sleep: Birth to 3 Months.

Is It Normal For Newborns To Sleep All The Time?

Definitely! Once they've been born, baby's life outside the womb can be overstimulating. They've just spent nearly a year in the warmth and comfort of your belly - so they'll spend 2/3rd's of the day asleep and the rest of the day eating in those first 6 or so weeks. Their tummies are so tiny, they fill up fast. So, although they might only spend a little time eating, they'll keep waking to be fed between napping.

They sleep so much simply because that's what they're used to and what their tiny bodies need. Inevitably, much of this sleep will happen during daylight hours, with most newborns having four or more short naps during the daytime.

How Much do Newborns Sleep?

The short answer? A LOT. As you can see from the chart below, newborns (0-15 weeks) will sleep up to 18 hours during a 24 hour period.


Total Hours of Sleep (24-hr period)
Daytime Sleep Duration
Nighttime Sleep Duration
Awake Time Between Sleeps
0-6 Weeks
15-18 hours 15 minutes-3 hours (3-5 naps) 2-4 hours 30 minutes - 1.5 hours
6-15 Weeks
14-16 hours 30 minutes - 3 hours (3-4 naps) 3-6 hours 1-2 hours
4-6 Months
12-15 hours 1-3 hours (3 naps) 6-8 hours 1.5-2.5 hours
6-8 Months
12-15 hours 1-3 hours (2-3 naps) 9-12 hours 2-3 hours
8-10 Months
11-15 hours 1-2 hours (1-2 naps) 10-12 hours 2-3 hours
10-12 Months
11-14 hours 1-2 hours (1-2 naps) 10-12 hours 2.5-3.5+ hours


As you can see the durations are always given in the form of ranges because each baby is different. Just like adults some are heavy sleepers whereas others are light sleepers. Some might not stay awake longer than 30 minutes in between naps for the first couple months, while others might be up for close to an hour or more between napping.

Another thing to keep in mind is that there may not be a set pattern to their sleeping habits. Before 3-4 months old, their sleep can be pretty erratic – the only thing you can count on is that there will be a lot of it! Savor this time, because it won’t last forever! Your baby’s sleep will change, and as they grow older, they’ll need a little bit less of it every day.

How Much Should a Newborn Sleep? Is my baby sleeping too much?

It might seem crazy that a newborn baby sleeps more than they are awake. To some sleep deprived parents it may not seem that way, who are struggling to catch a breath in between the super short naps of their crying baby. However in some cases babies will sleep longer and may need to be woken up to be fed. 


“For newborns, sleep during the early months occurs around the clock and the sleep-wake cycle interacts with the need to be fed, changed, and nurtured. Newborn babies sleep a total of 10.5 to 18 hours a day on an irregular schedule with periods of one to three hours spent awake. The sleep period may last a few minutes to several hours."

- National Sleep Foundation

Newborns aren’t born with an
internal biological clock – it’s developed over their first few months. You won’t see a regular sleep-wake cycle develop in your baby until 3 to 6 months old. Until then, they’ll spend 75% of their time asleep, and the other 25% alert and feeding.

When to wake your baby

The only time you need to intervene in your newborn’s sleep is to make sure they are adequately fed, every 2.5 to 3 hours. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, breastfed babies will eat 8 to 12 times per day and bottle-fed babies will eat 5 to 8 times per day (formula takes longer to digest, so baby stays fuller for longer).

how many hours in 10 days

It is a safe bet is to schedule feeding times every 2 to 3 hours, or ask your pediatrician for a recommendation based on your baby’s needs. During each pediatric visit, your baby will get weighed to ensure they’re gaining enough weight and getting enough food. However, if you have questions about your baby's sleep patterns or eating patterns between scheduled visits, do not hesitate to consult your baby’s doctor.


“Most newborns lose weight in the first few days after birth. Until your newborn regains this lost weight - usually within one week after birth - it's important to feed him or her frequently. This might mean occasionally waking your baby for a feeding, especially if her or she sleeps for a stretch of more than 4 hours.

Once your newborn establishes a pattern of weight gain and reaches the birth-weight milestone, however, it's generally OK to wait for feedings until he or she wakes up."

- Elizabeth LaFleur, R.N., The Mayo Clinic


As long as your baby is gaining weight at a healthy rate (as determined by your doctor), it’s okay to let her sleep. Many babies will wake on their own because they’re hungry, but if not, then you may need to wake them up yourself. This may be the case during the first couple of weeks after birth.

However even after the first couple of weeks, if your baby continues to sleep a lot, acts lethargic and has to be woken up each time for a feed, you may want to consult your pediatrician. 

Safety in Newborn Sleep

First, make sure you’re helping your baby sleep safely. Every parent should get familiar with the American Academy of Pediatrics’ (AAP) safe sleep guidelines:

- Always place your baby on their back to sleep.

- Place baby on a firm surface to sleep, clear of any loose bedding, pillows, or stuffed toys.

- Roomshare, but avoid bed-sharing

Read more about the AAP’s policy here.


newborn sleeping too much


How to Help Your Newborn Sleep

Overstimulation during the day can cause your baby to either sleep too little, or sleep when they should be eating, due to exhaustion. Your baby can also become overtired if they stay awake too long in between naps, which usually causes them to become very fussy and harder to settle for sleep. Here’s how you can help your baby fall asleep and begin instilling healthy sleep habits:

1. Teach the difference between night and day: If you have a baby who seems to sleep a lot during the day, but is wide awake come bedtime, it could be a sign that they’re getting their days and nights confused. Remember to keep night times dark and calm with little activity. Following a consistent bedtime routine helps them understand when it’s night and time for bed. You can have a similar routine before naps, but make it a shortened version.

2. Create a soothing environment: Adding white noise, light-blocking curtains, and keeping the room at a comfortable temperature will help your baby sleep better.

3. Cultivate a consistent bed time routine: It consists of feeding, swaddling, shushing, swaying and the proceeding to sleep.

4. Develop healthy sleep habits: Put your baby to sleep drowsy, but awake. This tip is crucial to helping your baby learn good sleeping habits starting at around 3.5 - 4 months and throughout their first year.

Using the Zen Swaddle helps babies learn how to sleep soothe and develops healthy sleeping habits. The Zen Swaddle is gently weighted on the chest and sides to mimic touch. The gentle pressure can help soothe an overtired baby and calm an overstimulated one! The Zen Swaddle’s design recreates the womb environment for your newborn to help combat Moro Reflex, and the weighted center helps teach your baby to self soothe, a skill required to start sleeping through the night


The Zen Swaddle® helps your baby get the sleep she needs with it's patented weighted design.


    5. Avoid an overtired sleeper: If you’re keeping your baby awake past their drowsy stage, they’ll become overtired and fussy. This requires learning your baby’s sleepiness cues. Watch the video below to learn what they are and how to spot them.


    You can also check out our post, 7 Tips & Tricks on How to Get Your Newborn to Sleep, for other effective sleep tips!

    Changes in Your Newborn’s Sleep

    Your newborn won’t have much of a “schedule” until their a few months old, but there will be somewhat of a pattern present. If there’s a sudden change in your baby’s usual patterns, it could be due to one of the reasons described below.

    Unpredictability due to the Newborn Sleep Cycle/Pattern

    While your newborn might have your eyes or nose, they definitely do not have your sleep cycle. Newborn sleep patterns are completely different than adults’ because they wake much more frequently and erratically during any stretch of sleep. This is completely natural, but be prepared for some serious unpredictability with their sleep cycle, especially during the first two months. Read our article to learn more about Your Baby’s Sleep Cycle.

    Growth Spurts

    Your baby is literally growing right before your eyes every single day. If your newborn is experiencing a growth spurt, you might find that they are eating constantly. And if she’s not eating, it’s because she’s sleeping. This is completely normal, and necessary! During a growth spurt, babies need the extra rest and nourishment. Your baby is likely to go through a growth spurt at:

    - 7-10 Days Old

    - 2-3 Weeks Old

    - 4-6 Weeks Old and

    - 3 Months Old

    4 Month Sleep Regression

    A sleep regression is a period of time when your baby suddenly stops sleeping well. The 4 month sleep regression is by far the most common, and can occur as early as 3 months old. If your good sleeper has suddenly started fighting sleep at every turn around 3 months, this could be why. The cause of the 4 month sleep regression? Those newborn sleep patterns are changing. Learn more, including tips on how to survive the sleep regression, in 10 Tips for Surviving the 4 Month Sleep Regression.


    newborn baby sleeping too much


    Sleeping Through the Night

    While the amount of daytime sleep your baby needs will decrease as they get older, their nighttime sleep duration will get longer – which is good news for you! However, you shouldn’t expect your newborn to be sleeping through the night quite yet. Find out what to expect and how to make it happen in our article: When Do Babies Sleep Through the Night & What Might Be Preventing It?

    After 3 months, your baby still needs a good 13-15 hours of sleep per day. Colic, sleep regressions, acid reflux/gas, and Moro reflex are just a few of the things that could be interfering with your baby’s sleep. The Zen Swaddle or Zen Sack can help with many issues, but some fixes might require a change in routine. You can check out our 7 Highly Effective Sleep Tips to help, or read up on 2 month old sleep and 3 month old sleep. If you find your baby is not getting anywhere near the amount of sleep on our chart, it might be a good idea to talk with your pediatrician to make sure everything is okay.  

    How Much Do Newborns Sleep - FAQ

    How Much Do Newborns Sleep?

    For the first few weeks of their life, your newborn will sleep for around 16 hours - 2/3 of the whole day! This number reduces over time, as your baby adjusts to the stimulating world around it.

    When do babies become more alert and awake?

    Following the initial alertness immediately after birth, and the drowsiness afterwards, your baby will become more alert around 24 hours after you bring them home. Following this, their regular sleep pattern will kick in, with brief periods of alertness between short naps during the day and a longer sleep at night.

    How many hours do newborns sleep?

    A newborn baby will sleep for around 16 hours a day minimum - but this isn't all at once, as any parent can tell you! Instead, these hours are broken up into smaller naps throughout the day, and (hopefully) a longer period of sleep at nighttime. Over time, this amount decreases, and by the time your baby is 24 months old, this will have reduced to around 12 hours a day with fewer naps.

    When do babies start staying awake more?

    Babies typically start to have a sleep pattern closer to your own at around the three month mark. At this point, they should start to sleep less during the day and more at night, leaving you with more daytime play with your little one.

    How to keep newborn awake during the day?

    Though your newborn will likely fall asleep on their own schedule, you can implement some rituals into your routine that signal to them when it's awake time and when it's time for sleep. For instance, try keeping the house brighter during the day with more background noises, and creating a peaceful, dark, and quieter environment at night.

    Other newborn resources

    Healthychildren.Org: Sleeping Through the Night

    American Academy of Family Physicians: Sleep for Your Child


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      Athena S.

      Share this


      • This is helpful. My babies are not great sleepers and the longest they have in one go is prob 3 hrs but usually 2-3 is a good sleep for them.

        Liam on

      • Thank you very much for this website, it has amazing tips and lots of information that I was looking for.

        Mary on

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