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When Do Toddlers Stop Napping? Average Age Babies Stop Taking Naps

When do babies stop napping - and at what age do toddlers stop napping? These are questions many parents ask. While every child is unique there are some common signs to look for that may indicate your child is ready to stop taking naps.

Sleep is key to a child's growth and development. But why do newborns sleep so much? It helps their little bodies and minds to rest and recharge, so they can wake up feeling refreshed and ready to learn new things. 

Toddlers commonly sleep for about 12 hours each day, broken into three short naps that last 20 minutes to 3 hours. But as they grow their ability to take naps becomes less frequent. And at about age 3, though, most toddlers give up their naps altogether.  

Here we will go over when toddlers stop taking naps, what the various indications of it are, and what you can do for a smooth nap transition. First things first, though - when do toddlers stop napping?

When do toddlers stop napping?

So, when do babies stop napping? There isn't necessarily a "normal" time for toddlers to stop napping. It's simply a matter of when they're developmentally ready to do so. Nap needs vary per kid based on various factors such as lifestyle, attending pre-school, and demographics. 

But if we had to offer an average timeline, what age would it be - when do toddlers stop napping typically?

Typically, toddlers transition from taking two naps a day to just one at around 10-12 months old. Unfortunately, this is around the time you’ll experience the dreaded 10 month sleep regression - so watch for sleep regression signs

By the time your toddler is 2-3 years old, her nap should last for a solid two to three hours in the afternoon. This is also when the 18 month sleep regression strikes.

Most toddlers will stop taking naps between the ages of two and four. At this age, they have the energy and stamina to stay awake for longer periods of time.

They may also become less interested in napping as they discover the many fun things they can do during the day. If your child is regularly skipping naps or taking shorter naps, this is a good indication that they are ready to stop napping altogether.

“The official word from the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that by age 4, most toddlers are ready to shed their afternoon snooze. Some toddlers may drop it earlier, others may need a little extra time.”

Signs For When to Stop Naps For Your Baby or Toddler

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of when do babies stop napping. Instead, it’s about watching for signs they’re ready for a change - just as with the swaddle transition or transitioning from sleep sack to blanket.

So, here are a few signs your child is ready for a change to their newborn bedtime routine or more specifically, their newborn nap schedule.

Not falling asleep at bedtime 

Why won’t my baby sleep at nighttime? It could be because they’re not tired enough! While naps can be a great way to rejuvenate your toddler during the day, they can also make it more difficult for them to sleep at night. 

If your toddler is napping too close to bedtime, it may be interfering with their natural sleep cycle and making it harder for them to fall asleep at night. You will see that not only do they refuse naps, but they seem completely untired as well. Learn more about what to do if your newborn won't sleep or your baby fights sleep in our blog.

Waking up too early

Is your toddler having early morning wakings? If your toddler is napping for more than an hour or two during the day, they may be getting too much sleep.

This can be a difficult transition for both parent and child, as naps can be a welcome respite during the day. It could be that they are simply not tired anymore and no longer need a nap. Try gradually reducing the length of their naps instead of eliminating them.

Skipping naps during scheduled naptime

It's normal for toddlers to start cutting down on their scheduled naptime or to stop taking them altogether. If your toddler does not seem fussy or exhausted by early evening and continues to play, sing, or read, this is a good sign that she is ready to transition away from her afternoon nap. It could be time to adjust their baby wake windows accordingly.

Your child is uninterested in nap time

If your toddler shows more interest in stacking blocks, flipping through picture books, or just being on the move rather than laying down for a nap, it might be an indicator of their evolving sleep needs.

They may seem perfectly content with their play, showing no signs of fatigue or crankiness. Instead of the usual fussiness or telltale yawns, they might be engaged in activities, displaying an alertness that lasts throughout the day. While this newfound energy is exciting, it also hints at their decreasing dependency on daytime sleep.

Parents should also note how consistently this behavior occurs. If it's an occasional show of resistance, it might be due to other factors like teething or an exciting day. 

But if the trend persists where they often decline the comfort of their cozy sleep environment, then it might be signaling the beginning of the end for their daytime naps. 

This change, like many in early childhood, is a natural progression. So, as always, be in tune with their cues and adjust routines to match their growing needs.

Toddler sleep schedules and napping guidelines 

Knowing when to stop naps, how should you progress forward? We’ll cover a few example toddler nap guidelines you can implement.

2-year-olds: How much sleep do they need and how long do they nap?

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends that 1 to 2 years of age should sleep 11 to 14 hours per 24 hours (including naps) on a regular basis to promote optimal health.  They usually take one nap a day, occurring in mid-day. Each nap should be around 1.5 to 2 hours long. They can comfortably stay up for approximately six hours during their wake window at this point.

2-year-old sleep schedule

If your toddler is still sleeping in the morning, try to get them up for the day around 7 a.m. and then offer them a nap at about 9:30 a.m.

A study conducted by the American Academy of Pediatrics stated that midday naps support learning in preschool children who habitually nap.

Review this as a sample schedule as sleep needs vary by child.

Morning Rise

7:00 AM






1:00 PM


2:30-3:00 Pm


7:15 Pm


8:00 Pm

3-year-olds: How much sleep do they need and how long do they nap

3 years old sleep needs change rapidly. Sometimes they'll take a nap and sometimes they won't. And sometimes they'll wake up early and sometimes they'll sleep in. But you want to make sure they're getting enough sleep every day.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends 10 to 13 hours of sleep every day in  a 24-hour period. A nap should no longer be more than 90 minutes. There should be 1-1.5 hours of sleep during naptime.

3-year-old sleep schedule

Review this as a sample schedule as sleep needs vary by child.

Wake up

6:30 Am


7:00 Am


11:50 Am


12:45- 2:00 Pm


7:00 Pm


7:30 Pm

How to help your baby transition from napping

Before we wrap up this guide on when do babies stop napping, we want to offer a few tips on how to transition away from their existing nap habits to the next stage. 

Provide quiet rest time

Making the nap transition smoother for your little one can be as simple as providing some quiet rest time before putting them down for a nap. This gives them a chance to wind down and prepare for sleep. 

You can try reading a book together, singing a lullaby, or just spending some calming time together. Once they seem sleepy, it will be easier to lay them down and have them drift off. They will be able to calm down and regain energy so that they can stay active during the daytime.

Consistent bedtime routine 

A regular baby bedtime routine signals to your baby that it is time to wind down and go to sleep. This can help your baby fall asleep more easily and sleep for longer periods at night. The American Academy of Pediatrics stated in their new guidelines that Consistency also is key when adjusting to a sleep schedule.

To create a consistent bedtime routine for your baby, choose a bedtime that works for your family and stick to it as much as possible. 

You can also start the bedtime routine by bathing your baby, dimming the lights, reading a story, singing a lullaby, or using some other infant sleep aid - like a swaddle or sleep sack. Whatever you do, make sure it is calming and relaxing for your baby. 

Try gradually pushing back their nap time 

If your child is napping too close to bedtime, it can make it harder for them to fall asleep at night. To avoid this, you can try gradually pushing back their nap time. This will give them time to wind down and get sleepy before they have to take a nap, making the transition smoother. 

You can start by pushing back their daily nap by 15 minutes, and then increasing the interval by 15 minutes each day until they are no longer napping. When you are transitioning to nap time, it's best to offer it at about the same time each day.

Get them the right sleepwear

One way to help your baby know it's time for bed is to put them in a cozy weighted sleepwear. While they’ve probably outgrown their weighted baby swaddle by this stage, you can consider using our arms up swaddle (the best transitional swaddle), or progress to the next best thing - a sleep sack.

What are the sleep sack benefits, though? The warmth and snugness of the sleep sack cues your baby's brain that it's time to sleep, helping them get a good night's rest. It’s a positive sleep association as it helps fend off baby separation anxiety as well. Sleeping in a comfortable, soft sleeper can help soothe your baby and encourage them to sleep for longer periods.

Nested Bean’s gently weighted Zen Sack® weighted sleep sack is designed to calm and comfort like a parent’s embrace, so it’s a great way to help babies transition from napping and sleep through the night. 

The weighted center of the sleep sack applies gentle pressure to make babies feel relaxed and safe. Most parents report that their babies sleep longer within 1 to 3 nights.  For best results, use Nested Bean's sleep sack as part of a solid, predictable nighttime routine. 

We also offer bamboo sleep sacks or winter sleep sacks along with our classic weighted version. Whichever you choose, you’ll be amazed at how your child’s sleep routine improves! Learn more about when to stop using sleep sack or what to wear under sleep sack in our blog.

How will my toddler's nighttime sleep be affected when they stop napping?

As your toddler stops napping, you may find that their nighttime sleep is affected. They may have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep through the night. 

You may also find that they wake up earlier in the morning. While it can be tough to adjust to these changes. Establish a bedtime routine and stick to it as much as possible. This will help your toddler know when it's time to wind down and go to sleep.

Should I move my toddler's earlier afternoon nap to an earlier one in the morning?

Your toddler may not be ready for this change and may need some time to adjust. Additionally, naps are important for toddlers and can help them stay refreshed and focused throughout the day. 

If you do decide to move your toddler's afternoon nap to an earlier time in the morning, be sure to do so gradually and keep an eye on how your toddler is adjusting.

Should I wake my baby from their nap?

Yes, it's generally recommended to wake your baby from their nap if the nap is running into their next feeding time or if it's interfering with their bedtime. 

It helps regulate their sleep schedule and ensures they get enough sleep during the night. However, always consult with a pediatrician about any specific concerns or situations related to your baby's sleep.

Key Takeaways From What Age Toddlers Stop Napping At

That wraps up our guide on when to stop naps for babies. So, in summary, when do toddlers stop napping? When do naps stop for babies? There is no one-size-fits-all answer. 

Most toddlers stop taking naps by the time they are three years old. However, some toddlers may still need naps when they are four years old. If your toddler is still taking naps, it is important to make sure that they are not napping too late in the day. Naps should be taken early in the afternoon so that your toddler will be able to sleep through the night.

  • 3 years is the normal age when toddlers usually stop taking naps. Switching from a morning nap to a single, extended afternoon nap is the goal.
  • If your child is having difficulty falling asleep during naptime or bedtime and waking up too early, then it's a sign that your child is ready to stop napping.
  • When a 2 to 3 year-old toddler stops taking naps, they must get 11-13 hours of sleep every day in 24 hours.
  • The best way to transition kids away from naps is to provide them with a quiet rest period at a set time; where they have some downtime to relax and recharge before getting back to playing and learning.

If you want to learn more about the world of baby sleep, explore our blog. We have resources on topics like why swaddle baby, should I swaddle my newborn at night, 6 month sleep regression, how to help a teething baby sleep, how to swaddle with arms up, 8 week sleep regression, and more.

Otherwise, take what you’ve learned in this guide to when do babies stop napping and adjust your child’s sleep and nap schedule accordingly. You’ve got this!

Inbound Pursuit

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