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Nested Bean "Next Level" Scholarship

A scholarship that rewards students who seize opportunities and exceed expectations. Share your “next level” story with us for a chance to receive a $1000 scholarship.

Think back on your proudest moment of your academic career. Did you excel at a particular internship assignment? Maybe you presented an idea that blew others out of the water, or rocked a class project?

Regardless of the task or assignment, you didn’t just rise to the expectations, you exceeded them. You went the extra mile, you outshined fellow students, you embraced an opportunity and amplified the results – you took it to the next level.

As a growth-focused startup, Nested Bean has thrived by exceeding goals and expectations – by always taking things to the next level. We firmly believe that to be successful, you need to always give your two hundred percent. The Nested Bean Next Level Scholarship rewards students with the same smarts and work ethic, who realize the importance of going above and beyond to take it to the “next level.”


- Open to all Marketing, Design & Analytics students (marketing, communications, advertising, graphic design, industrial design and data analytics)

- Must be currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program at a verified college or university in one of the eligible majors/programs

    How to Apply:

    1. Submit a minimum 800-word essay describing a time you took a project, assignment, task, or idea to the “next level.” Tell us how you took advantage of the opportunity to stand out and exceeded expectations. What was the result of your efforts?

    2. Submit the project, assignment, task, or idea that you featured in your essay for our review.

    3. Offer 3 professional references with their name, position, contact information, and relationship to you or your project.

    4. Send all submissions, reference list, and the following information to

    - Full Name & age
    - Phone number & email address
    - The University/College you are enrolled in
    - Which year of university you are in (First Year, Sophomore, Junior, Senior)
    - What major or program you are currently enrolled in
    - Expected graduation date
    - What you plan to use the Nested Bean Next Level Scholarship for


    Submission deadline: September 30, 2020


    About Nested Bean 

    Committed to improving the lives of families everywhere, Nested Bean offers the only infant sleepwear—including the Zen Swaddle, Zen Sack, Zen Footie PJs, and Zen Bodysuit—designed to mimic the soothing power of a parent's embrace, so babies experience longer, more restorative sleep—and parents do, too. 

    As a sleep wellness advocate, Nested Bean is also a resource for sleep education, tips, and advice for the whole family. Learn about everything from how to swaddle to the 4 month sleep regression to nap schedules to what is colic on the Zen Blog.

    Nested Bean was founded by mother and entrepreneur, Manasi Gangan. As a fast-growing start-up, Nested Bean recognizes the value of taking things to the "next level" in order to succeed. The Nested Bean Next Level Scholarship rewards students with entrepreneurial mindsets that continuously go above and beyond to exceed expectations. 



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