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Zen Blog

When you're running around with the gift registry scanner in hand, you suddenly find a thousand things you didn't even realize you needed or existed! Suddenly, all the gizmos and gadgets start calling your name. But, what items do you really need?

You expect your baby to cry - all babies cry, and should! But when it feels like it’s excessive, or your baby cries constantly and seems to be completely inconsolable, it may be more than regular, healthy baby cries; it...

Heading to the beach soon? Check out our top 5 mom-tested tips on how to prep, what to pack (and what not to pack), and tricks for making baby's first beach trip a stress-free experience!

As a new parent, all your attention and energy goes into taking care of your baby, especially in the first few months. Throw social distancing into the mix and before you know it, you realize you haven’t been out of...

All is calm in the house until the clock strikes 4:30 pm...and suddenly the once quiet space turns into a battlefield of cries and fussiness—welcome to the witching hour! Fear not, dear parents. You've done nothing wrong. This biologically driven calendar appointment, while very frustrating, is perfectly normal. Learn the top 5 tips to survive the witching hour.
As a parent, you’re going to worry about a lot—including sleep. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is the leading cause of death in babies under 1 year of age. You know the basic safe sleep practices...but do you always have to worry? Does safe sleep change as your baby gets older? Find out from our expert infant sleep consultant.
While newborns need to be fed every couple of hours, starting around 4-months-old babies are usually ready go a little longer between feeds—but the feed-to-sleep association is one of the strongest. So how can you tell if your baby's waking up because they're actually hungry, or if it's just out of habit? Pediatric Sleep Consultant, Maggie Moore, shares her tips. 

Changing seasons and falling temperatures can really impact how comfortably your baby sleeps. Although you want to stay indoors as much as possible with a newborn, even the nursery can get a little too chilly. You’ll want to make some...

We all love a relaxing trip to the beach. What if you could take a trip there every day? With a Beachy themed nursery, you and your baby can step foot into a serene, relaxing ocean-scape every day! Our Classic...




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